Campus Services has approximately 800 student employees. During Spring Semester, it selected four students to receive Spotlight awards to celebrate their extraordinary work. Anna Peterson is one of those students.
Anna Peterson, intern for Georgia Tech Parking & Transportation Services, worked hard in an "above and beyond" category and it paid off. Aaron Fowler, transportation director, told us why Anna should be selected as a Campus Services Student Spotlight.
"Over the past year, Anna has lent her passion for sustainability and the environment to help our department better understand how our future bus fleet can reduce Georgia Tech's overall carbon footprint and improve our campus air quality. She has spearheaded conversations with all the major electric bus manufacturers as well as Georgia Power, to educate our operations team on the capabilities of an electric bus fleet as well as the future infrastructure needs of an electric bus fleet. She's updated our bus fleet cost "calculator" to help the department better understand what our future transit operational costs may be, based upon what type of fuel technology is chosen. Further, she's currently assisting the department in coming up with a method of scoring each proposed fleet of buses on carbon emissions and air quality for our upcoming transit RFP.
"We would like to nominate Anna for this special recognition, not only for all her hard work, but helping our department push forward our campus sustainability goals while still understanding the financial and business justifications we must make in all our decisions."
As if helping Parking & Transportation Services with their future sustainability decisions wasn't enough for us to know about this exceptional student employee, we wanted to know more. Therefore, we asked her questions about herself and what she does while not working at Parking & Transportation. Here's what she told us.
- Position at Campus Services Department: Sustainable Transportation Intern at GT Parking and Transportation Services
- Major: Civil Engineering
- Year in School: Fourth
- Hometown: Greensboro, NC
- How long have you worked in this position? This academic year
- What are your duties in this position? I’ve worked on several different transportation projects throughout the year – inducing electric bus analysis and engagement and implementing bicycle counts on campus.
- What do you like best about working in this position? I liked how open ended my position is. Being a new role on campus, I have had a lot of freedom to choose what projects I want to focus on and use problem-solving skills to get the job done.
- How has this position helped you? This position has shown me a side of the field you don’t often see in the classroom. Working with PTS has taught me a lot about transportation policy, funding and planning.
- What have you learned through working here? Not only did I learn about different aspects about the field of transportation, I learned about how to work in a professional setting.
- Favorite Book? The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
- Favorite Restaurant/Food? I will never say no to Mexican Food, especially tacos.
- Favorite Spot on Campus? Any sunny day next to the campanile.
- Favorite Quotes? "You were born with the ability to change someone’s life. Don’t ever waste it." – unknown
- What do you like to do on the weekends? When I’m not catching up on homework, I enjoy spending time outdoors and exploring Atlanta!
- Who is your favorite professor and why? My favorite professor is Dr. Kari Watkins. She works in the department of Civil Engineering, focused on transportation. Her class called sustainable transportation abroad is what inspired me to apply to this position!
- What is your favorite class and why? My favorite class is Transportation Administration and Policy. Many other transportation classes are focused on design of systems, but this one explains how to work with the system to take those designs to construction.
- Tell us about some organizations you’re involved with on campus. On campus I am highly involved in Greek Life. I was my chapter’s President in 2018 and currently serve on the College Panhellenic Council’s Executive Board. I’ve also been in the marching band for the past four years.
- What advice do you have for incoming students? Get involved on campus! One of my favorite things about Tech is how diverse the students are – there will be a group that shares your interests. Having involvements outside of academics helps keep you balanced and gives you a great support system when you need it.
- What would people be surprised to know about you? I am currently a member of the Bryan-College Station Summer Kickball Tournament Champion Team!
- Favorite TV show? Parks and Rec
- What will you miss most about Tech after graduation? The people!
- What are your plans after graduation? I hope to stay here at Tech and get a Master’s degree in Civil Engineering.
We also hope to see you around campus, working on your Master's. But for right now, let us thank you, Anna, for your hard work in Georgia Tech Parking & Transportation Services and for all you've done here at Georgia Tech! Keep up the great work!