Integrity and Compliance Campaign begins March 7.
Ethically challenging decisions can arise at any point in our career. As a result, it is important to remind ourselves what conduct is clearly prohibited at Georgia Tech and where to turn for help and support when we’re unsure.
To keep us mindful of the Institute’s and University System of Georgia’s Code of Ethics — as well as to review policies regarding cybersecurity, alcohol and illegal drugs, and conflict of interest — Georgia Tech requires its faculty, staff (including Tech Temps), and student workers to complete the annual Integrity and Compliance Campaign.
The campaign opens March 7, and employees will have until April 6 to complete it.
This year’s campaign also features a new tutorial, The Science of Standing Up, which explores the science of individual decision-making including acting with integrity in difficult situations. It will also review the EthicsPoint reporting tool and the Institute’s Non-Retaliation Policy.
“The Institute is redefining its approach to ensuring compliance and promoting ethical behavior,” said Pat McKenna, vice president of Legal Affairs and Risk Management. “We are working to provide employees with the resources needed to learn how to apply these ethical principles and take individual responsibility for what they see and do.”
McKenna adds that this approach provides a win-win for the Institute: It enables Georgia Tech to adhere to federal and state laws while providing an environment where employees can feel empowered to act with integrity and truly thrive.
The Integrity and Compliance Campaign can be completed on a desktop or laptop. It should take no more than 30 minutes to complete, and it does not have to be finished at one time. Beginning March 7, employees should visit training.hr.gatech.edu to get started.
Employees who do not comply by April 6 may receive a formal disciplinary notice from the Institute, and their access to Georgia Tech’s network may also be revoked.
For additional information or questions, email ethics.ask@ohr.gatech.edu.