Parking and Transportation Services (PTS) has opened its first-ever bike storage room as part of the new W22-Dalney Parking Deck.
Parking and Transportation Services (PTS) has opened its first-ever bike storage room as part of the new W22-Dalney Parking Deck.
“More people are biking on and around campus, and we want to encourage the use of greener transportation methods,” said Lisa Safstrom, campus transportation planner with PTS. “We are supporting this trend by including high-quality bike parking in new campus development opportunities.”
Located just inside the deck from the Dalney Street entrance, the bike room features 36 Dero Swerve bike racks built to hold two bikes each. The room also includes benches and a fix-it station with a pump.
Users can swipe their BuzzCards to enter and secure their bikes to the racks using their personal locks. Bikes may be stored day-to-day during the fall and spring semesters and for longer periods during the summer.
PTS included the bike room in its construction plans for the deck in response to the campus community’s request for larger and protected bike storage. The concept of enclosed bike rooms is trending among peer universities and housing developments in metro-Atlanta. The Dalney Deck’s bike room is the first bike storage facility outside of Georgia Tech on campus residential housing. PTS plans to implement a second bike room in the Tech Square parking deck later this year.
For more information about bicycling, visit http://pts.gatech.edu/bicycling-georgia-tech.
Bike Commuter Shower Pass
The CRC now offers a Bike Commuter Shower Pass that will allow riders to have access to locker rooms from 7 a.m. - 9 a.m. Monday through Friday for $5 per month. Smart Park pass holders and those that do not have a parking permit are eligible for the shower pass. To get more information and sign up, visit http://bike.hwb.gatech.edu/active-commuting.
Riding Safety Classes
Bike Georgia Tech, Georgia Tech Police Department, and PTS offer one-hour classes in bike and scooter safety. Attendees receive a free helmet and lights. The next classes take place on:
- October 10 at 11 a.m. in CRC Room 240
- November 14 at 11 a.m. in CRC Room 240
Bike Helmets
PTS encourages students, faculty, and staff to travel to, from, and within campus by some form of alternative transportation, including bicycles, to reduce traffic congestion, limit the need for automobile parking, and preserve the environment.
Helmets can be purchased for $12 at the PTS front desk located at 828 West Peachtree St. NW using credit, check or BuzzFunds. Rules and regulations are available here.