Campus Services recognized four student employees Fall Semester to receive its Student Spotlight award and with more than 500 student employees working for Campus Services, being selected as one of the four can be quite an honor. Nicole Nichols is one of the four Student Spotlights for Fall Semester 2018.
Nicole Nichols, a student employee with Housing’s Conference Services, received one of four Campus Services Student Spotlight awards for Fall Semester 2018.
Campus Services recognizes up to eight student employees each academic year and with more than 500 student employees working for Campus Services being selected as one of the eight can be quite an honor.
Campus Services asks each of its departments (Bookstore, BuzzCard, Campus Recreation, Dining, Health Initiatives, Housing, Parking & Transportation Services, Stamps Health Services and the Student Center) to nominate its exceptional student employees. The nominations are reviewed and again up to eight are selected each year.
“Nicole has been one of the best conference assistants we've ever had,” said Mari Gorda, Operations & Registration Manager for Conference Services.
“Her genuine personality and willingness to assist with whatever was asked of her provided amazing reassurance that tasks would be completed on time and correctly.”
Georgia Tech’s Conference Services provides conference and event services with on-campus lodging between late May to late July. With groups moving in and moving out during these months requires skills that not all students and for that matter staff can provide.
“Nicole has better organizational skills then people twice her age and is meticulous with assignments given to her,” Mari continued.
Nicole also assisted with a video tutorial for Conference Services.
“She is an amazing asset to the Conference Services team,” Mari added.
We wanted to know about Nicole’s Georgia Tech experiences. Here’s what she said:
Position at Campus Services Department
- Conference Services Assistant currently. Over the summer, I was the Conference Services Office Manager.
- Mathematics Major Applied Concentration w/ Business Option
Year in School
- 3rd Year
- Locust Grove, GA
How long have you worked in this position?
- I have been with Conference Services since the summer of 2017.
What are your duties in this position?
- As previously stated, I have held more than one role at Conference Services. When I started the summer of 2017, I was a Conference Assistant. On a day to day basis, I would work the front desk at our main location on West Campus and our secondary summer office at North Avenue. I would also drive people back and forth across campus, assist with clientele check-ins, and help the set-up crew when needed. After the summer, I stayed with Conference Services my sophomore year and continued my role working the front desk at our main office.
- I decided to stay with Conference Services and worked there summer 2018 as well. This time, I am in the role of Conference Services Office Manager. This job was a catch-all job. In the beginning of the summer, it pertained more to training the new 33 staff members and making sure that everything was ready for them to use to assist conference guest.Then, it transitioned over to helping Mari, my boss, make the weekly schedule, sorting through maintenance requests, and coordinating with the other managers and professional staff to get different projects done. My job ranged from large tasks like helping coordinate the move of more than 20 conference guests at 9 pm when a building flooded to hosting a movie night for the summer staff, and printing out daily restaurant reports once a week.
- Currently, I hold more of a Conference assistant role again. I come in four days a week, three of the four being to work the front desk and the fourth to assist on whatever's needed. I have generated reports on customer satisfaction, made banners for various departments on campus, and updated different job manuals as things arise for next summer’s crew.
What do you like best about working in this position?
- My bosses are amazing. Furthermore, I have gained a vast knowledge base on different aspects of hospitality, management, and soft skills.
How has this position helped you?
- I believe that I have grown in my various positions. This position helped me get to know campus better and understand all that goes into planning a large-scale multiday event.
What have you learned through working here?
- I have learned how to work with a variety of people, and I have expanded my technical skills in programs such as Excel and Adobe Illustrator.
Favorite Book?
- I love reading and my favorite book can sometimes change a dozen times a year.
Favorite Restaurant/Food?
- Basil pesto. I love it on pasta and sandwiches.
Favorite Spot on Campus?
- My favorite spot on campus is the Chapin building.
Favorite Quotes?
- "Do. Or do not. There is no try." -Yoda
- "Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." - William Bruce Cameron
What do you like to do on the weekends?
- I like to go to tango class, go out dancing, study for different academic classes, and cook/bake.
Who is your favorite professor and why?
- Amalia Culic. She was my proofs' professor last year. She was great at breaking down concepts and making sure the entire class understood what we were to obtain out of each new topic, whether it be a new theorem or way to prove a concept. She also managed walking around campus, while wearing high heels every day.
What is your favorite class and why?
- My favorite class is Probability Theory because it relatesto actuarial science and I plan on becoming an actuary once I graduate from Tech.
Tell us about some organizations you’re involved with on campus.
- I have been a member of various organizations during my time at Georgia Tech. Currently, I am the Founder and President of the Actuarial Club. I am also the Treasurer and Tango Liaison for the Salsa Club. Lastly, I am a member of the Society of Women in Business.
What advice do you have for incoming students?
- Follow your heart and branch out your freshman year because your interest from high school to college may have changed without you realizing it.
What would people be surprised to know about you?
- They would be surprised to know that I like to draw and paint.
Favorite TV show?
- Law and Order
What will you miss most about Tech after graduation?
- I will miss living right next door to my friends.
What are your plans after graduation?
- I plan to practice actuarial science at a consulting firm.
Thank you, Nicole, for all you've done and are doing at Georgia Tech, especially in Conference Services.