The Institute is now contracting with Workday to provide cloud-based technology that will replace many existing financial systems.
Georgia Tech is moving forward with the transformation of its financial systems. The Institute is now contracting with Workday to provide cloud-based technology that will replace many existing financial systems. The project scope ultimately encompasses financial data, business processes, and systems integration.
“This investment will help create the next platform for Tech’s administrative services with an initial focus on our financial systems,” said Steve Swant, executive vice president for Administration and Finance. “This initiative will successfully position the Institute for the digital age by improving the way we work, advancing the services we provide, and better informing the decisions we make.”
Project leaders anticipate that this transformation will also provide the Institute with an opportunity to:
- Re-imagine its data, processes, and reporting;
- Facilitate its alignment with the University System of Georgia requirements; and
- Enhance its reporting capabilities to the Board of Regents.
This collaborative effort is a partnership between many of the Institute’s academic and research stakeholders and end-users across campus, as well as members from Financial Services, Campus Services, and Information Technology. Guidance for this initiative is provided through an executive oversight committee comprised of Jim Fortner, interim vice president for Financial Services; Paul Strouts, vice president for Campus Services; and Mark Hoeting, interim chief information officer and vice president for Information Technology. The initiative is led by Greg Phillips, senior director of Enterprise Resource Planning.
The Institute also recently announced its intent to work with Accenture to assist with implementing this financial transformation. The business process impact analysis and implementation planning phase will begin this fall semester.
More information, including project updates, can be found on the Enterprise Resource Planning website erp.gatech.edu.